Woburn, MA June 3, 2009: Terrafugia, Inc. has successfully completed the flight testing program designed for its Transition Roadable Aircraft Proof of Concept. Having been dubbed The Flying Car, the Transition completed its historic first flight on March 5, 2009 with 27 additional flights completed over the next several weeks.
The successful completion of flight-testing with the Proof of Concept concludes the first stage of a four stage process to bring the Transition into production. Work is underway on Stage 2, the Beta Prototype. First delivery is expected in 2011.
The Proof of Concept vehicle is the first and only Transition to be built thus far. It has now achieved its goals by demonstrating driving, flying, and automated transformation between the two in one integrated aircraft. The flights conducted a plan set specifically for the Transition: characteristics such as handling, performance, and take-off and landing, stability and stall were evaluated. B-Roll footage is available of representative flights. The flight-testing program demonstrated the safety of the vehicle in the air while identifying modifications that will be incorporated into the next Transition model to be built, the Beta Prototype.
Test Pilot Colonel (Retired) Phil Meteer had a positive review of flying the POC: I would like to keep flying this Proof of Concept vehicle, but it makes sense to move on to the Beta Prototype.
Categorized as a Light Sport Aircraft, the Transition requires a Sport Pilot certificate to fly. It is a two-seat aircraft designed to take off and land at local airports and drive on any road. Transforming from plane to car takes the pilot less than 30 seconds. The Transition will cruise up to 450 miles at over 115 mph, will drive at highway speeds on the road, and fits in a standard household garage. The vehicle has front wheel drive on the road and a propeller for flight. Both modes are powered by unleaded automotive gasoline. By giving pilots a convenient ground transportation option, the Transition reduces the cost, inconvenience, and weather sensitivity of personal aviation. It also increases safety by incorporating automotive crash structures and allowing pilots to drive under bad weather. Refundable airframe reservations are currently being accepted.
Terrafugia (ter-ra-FOO-gee-ah), based in Woburn, MA, is comprised of a team of award-winning engineers who have been advancing the state of personal aircraft since 2006. Founded by five pilots who are graduates of MIT and supported by a world-class network of advisors and private investors, Terrafugias mission is the innovative expansion of personal mobility. "Terrafugia" is Latin for "escape from land."
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January 28, 2011
Flying Car
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6:58 AM
December 15, 2010
Shocking! Megamouth Shark captured in Philippines
The megamouth shark, is an very rare and odd kind of deep water shark. Discovered in 1976, just a a small number of this kind have ever been seen, with 41 specimens known to have been caught or viewed as of 2009 and three recordings on film. Like the basking shark and whale shark, swims with its huge mouth wide open, filtering water for plankton and jellyfish. It is characteristic for its big head with rubbery lips.
n the Philippines one fishermen by coincidence caught and then ate a megamouth shark, one of the rarest fishes in the world with only 41 others recorded to have been spoted, the World Wildlife.
The 13 feet (4 m) 1100 pounds (500 kg) megamouth shark died in the fight with the fishermen on the 30th March Burian in central Philippines island. It was taken to nearby Donsol in Sorsogon province, where it was killed and eaten, “said Gregg Yan, spokesperson for WWF-Philippines.
He said the megamouth shark was captured in 660 feet (200 meters) deep, which are as well frequented by the rare whale shark, the world’s biggest fish and as well a filter-feeder in the Donsol area, around 185 miles (300 kilometers) southeast of Manila.
Posted by
6:45 AM
Labels: Amazing, Funny Animals, World
December 13, 2010
Hilarious Pole Dance Fail
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5:26 AM
Labels: Funny Video, Girls, Videos
December 03, 2010
Women feeding animals
I have no problems looking at pictures depicting animal moms breastfeeding and literally taking in babies of different species, I even find them very sweet. But for some reason, looking at these photos of women breastfeeding various animals makes me very nauseous, it’s just not natural, no matter what continent your from.
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5:12 AM
December 02, 2010
Chinese Student Builds Sustainable Egg House
Daihai Fei, a young Chinese designer, has built himself a sustainable egg-shaped house and spent the last two months living in it.
Originally from Hunan, 24-year-old Daihai Fei came to Beijing to attend the university and make a future for himself. Now, just six months after graduation, he has become somewhat of a local celebrity, after people started noticing he lives in an egg. Rents in China’s capital are very high, so living in a conventional home meant Daihai had to spend most of his income on rent, and that was not an option for this resourceful designer. In just two months time, and with a budget of only 6,400 yuan ($960), Daihai Fei managed to build his very own mobile home.
Daihai Fei built his amazing egg-house on a bamboo frame, covered with various insulating materials, and topped with a layer of stitched bag. The bags themselves are filled with sawdust and grass seeds, which he sprays with water regularly, to help the grass grow faster. Inspired by the grass-covered roofs of Norway, he knows the grass will over greater protection for his home. On the inside, he has all the necessary facilities, including a bed, a small sink, a lamp powered by a small solar panel and even a tiny bookshelf.
Using very cheap materials the designer built his wacky-looking egg house, and after two months of living in it, he says his quality of life greatly improved. He doesn’t have to worry about paying any rent, he has enough money to go out for coffee or a soda, occasionally, and since he’s moved his egg-house right across from his workplace, he doesn’t spend anything on bus fair. If you’re wondering about Daihai’s hygiene, you should know he’s very careful with his earnings, making sure he always has enough to go swimming, every day after work, where also takes a shower.
Posted by
5:03 AM
Labels: Amazing, Art, Buildings and Architecture, Community and Lifestyle, Design, People, World