May 15, 2009

Cop Kicks Guy in the Head

A Los Angeles high-speed car chase ends after the suspect fled his vehicle and got cornered. Goodbye, Long Arm of the Law, and hello Steel-Toed Boot.


Anonymous said...

That'll learn 'em!

RabbitMan said...
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Anonymous said...

police drenhced in sweat "*Ugh ooof poff* stoopid criminal, made me run *ugh meh* take that! haha!"

Anonymous said...

You can hear what the announcer is thinking when he sees the cop kick the guy in the head. It's like "when are the police coming to confiscate the footage, and should I start covering it up now?"

Anonymous said...

"he just kicked him directly in the shoulder" -narrating news guy

Yea... thats why he recoiled his head...

Then the other cop starts hammer fisting him in the liver/back.


Rawr, police brutality.

Halarious they high five each other after smacking the guy around.
I think the officer with the dog was trying to get the dog to bite the guy right as the other guy was stopping his hammer fisting.

I guess the dog is the only sane animal there.

Oink oink piggies!

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